【Python】bitflyerのTickerを SQLiteに突っ込む(定期処理)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 | # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ Created on 2018/03/14 @author: doraxdora """ importjson importtime importthreading importasyncio fromBfApi importBfApi fromUtils.SQLiteUtil importSQLiteUtil classBackgroundSaveTicker: def__init__(self,interval,wait=True,db_name="Ticker.db"): self.interval=interval self.wait=wait self.db_name=db_name self.api=BfApi() deftask(self): data=self.api.call_pub_nub('lightning_ticker_FX_BTC_JPY') message=json.dumps(data) print(self.db_name+":"+message) sqlite_util=SQLiteUtil(db_name=self.db_name) sqlite_util.insert_data(self.api.convert_ticker_tuple(data)) defsave(self): base_time=time.time() next_time=0 whileTrue: t=threading.Thread(target=self.task) t.start() ifself.wait: t.join() next_time=((base_time-time.time())%self.interval)orself.interval time.sleep(next_time) returnTrue defprint(self): print(self.db_name) if__name__=='__main__': print('Main start') BackgroundSaveTicker(60,False,"Ticker1M.db").save() print('Main end') |
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pubnubの生成 self.pub_nub=PubNub(self.pb_config) self.listener=SubscribeListener() self.pub_nub.add_listener(self.listener) # チャンネルへ接続要求し接続を待機する self.pub_nub.subscribe().channels(channels).execute() self.listener.wait_for_connect() # リアルタイム配信からデータを取得 result=self.listener.wait_for_message_on(channels) data=result.message # チャンネルの接続解除を要求し切断を待機する self.pub_nub.unsubscribe().channels(channels).execute() self.listener.wait_for_disconnect() returndata defsend_req(self,api_path,http_method="GET",timeout=None,**send_params): """ Bitflyer Private API を利用してリクエストを送信し 取得したデータを JSON 形式で返却します :param api_path: 呼び出す Private API のパス :param http_method: GET/POST :param timeout: 接続タイムアウト時間 :param send_params: APIに送信するパラメータ :return: 取得したデータのJSON """ url=self.api_url+api_path body="" auth_header=None ifhttp_method==Constants.HTTP.POST: body=json.dumps(send_params) else: ifsend_params: body="?"+urllib.parse.urlencode(send_params) ifself.access_key andself.secret_key: access_time=str(time.time()) encode_secret_key=str.encode(self.secret_key) encode_text=str.encode(access_time+http_method+api_path+body) access_sign=hmac.new(encode_secret_key,encode_text,hashlib.sha256).hexdigest() auth_header={ 'ACCESS-KEY':self.access_key, 'ACCESS-TIMESTAMP':access_time, 'ACCESS-SIGN':access_sign, 'Content-Type':'application/json' } try: withrequests.Session()ass: ifauth_header: s.headers.update(auth_header) ifhttp_method==Constants.HTTP.GET: response=s.get(url,params=send_params,timeout=timeout) else: response=s.post(url,data=json.dumps(send_params),timeout=timeout) exceptrequests.RequestException ase: logging.error(e) raisee content="" iflen(response.content)>0: content=json.loads(response.content.decode("utf-8")) returncontent defstart_pub_nub_ticker(self,cl,channels): """ ティッカー情報の配信を開始 :param cl: web_socket client :param channels: 配信するチャンネル :return: """ self.listener=self.MySubscriberCallback(cl) self.pub_nub.add_listener(self.listener) self.pub_nub.subscribe().channels(channels).execute() defstop_pub_nub_ticker(self,channels): """ ティッカー情報の配信を停止 :param channels: 停止するチャンネル :return: """ self.pub_nub.unsubscribe().channels(channels).execute() self.pub_nub.remove_listener(self.listener) defsave_ticker(self,message): """ ティッカー情報をデータベースに保存 :param message: :return: """ sqlite_util=SQLiteUtil() sqlite_util.insert_data(self.convert_ticker_tuple(message.message)) defconvert_ticker_tuple(self,ticker): """ ティッカー情報をタプルに変換して返す :param ticker: :return: """ return( ticker["product_code"] ,self.parse_date(ticker["timestamp"]) ,ticker["tick_id"] ,ticker["best_bid"] ,ticker["best_ask"] ,ticker["best_bid_size"] ,ticker["best_ask_size"] ,ticker["total_bid_depth"] ,ticker["total_ask_depth"] ,ticker["ltp"] ,ticker["volume"] ,ticker["volume_by_product"] ) defparse_date(self,iso_date): date_time=parser.parse(iso_date)+timedelta(hours=9) returndate_time.strftime("%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S") classMySubscriberCallback(SubscribeCallback): """ Pubnub登録のコールバッククラス """ def__init__(self,client=None): self.cl=client defpresence(self,pubnub,presence): pass # handle incoming presence data defstatus(self,pubnub,status): ifstatus.category==PNStatusCategory.PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategory: pass # This event happens when radio / connectivity is lost elifstatus.category==PNStatusCategory.PNConnectedCategory: # Connect event. You can do stuff like publish, and know you'll get it. # Or just use the connected event to confirm you are subscribed for # UI / internal notifications, etc pass elifstatus.category==PNStatusCategory.PNReconnectedCategory: pass # Happens as part of our regular operation. This event happens when # radio / connectivity is lost, then regained. elifstatus.category==PNStatusCategory.PNDecryptionErrorCategory: pass # Handle message decryption error. Probably client configured to # encrypt messages and on live data feed it received plain text. defmessage(self,pubnub,message): """ 登録したチャンネルからメッセージを受信した際の処理 :param pubnub: :param message: :return: """ # WEBソケットを利用してクライアントに配信 forcinself.cl: c.write_message(message.message) self.save_ticker(message) |
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新規作成した BackgroundSaveTickerを起動しデータを確認
